Product Description
OEM Part Numbers:(Notice: While we aim to list all part numbers. If your part number is missing but the application matches, call us at 954-934-9595 for confirmation)
37121134284, 37121137672, 37121134446, 37121138788, 37-12-1-134-284, 37-12-1-137-672, 37-12-1-134-446, 37-12-1-138-788
RMT’s BM32-R340-ADRR is a completely rebuilt BMW 7-Series 1988-1994 (E32) rear right self-leveling shock absorber. Every component that can be worn down is replaced with brand new CNC seals and/ or O-rings. Each core that comes in for rebuild is first thoroughly inspected to make sure there is no structural damage to the suspension part. Then every single component is taken out and the shock absorber is sandblasted and painted. With each seal and O-ring being put in place. Before we ship the part back, we test the suspension part above what is asked during normal use to ensure the part will last. Each seal is made in the USA. Along with your new rebuilt shock absorber.
- Placement: RR (From the perspective of sitting in the car)
- Quantity: 1
- Inside The Box: 1 Rear Right Self Leveling Shock Absorber, General installation pointers (not an installation manual)
- Condition: Remanufactured
- Warranty: Limited Lifetime Warranty
Note: This suspension shock absorber will only work on models with Self Leveling Suspension.
Notice: When you send in your part, only include items that are in our listed picture above. We are not responsible/ liable for the loss or damage of any items other than what is in the picture(s). Do your best to only send what is in the picture.