Product Description
OEM Part Numbers: (Notice: While we aim to list all part numbers. If your part number is missing but the application matches, call us at 888-373-3610 for confirmation)
2123200158 | 2123200358 | 2123200658 | 2513200058
2123200158 | 2123200358 | 2123200658 | 2513200058 | A2123200158 | A2123200358 | A2123200658 | A2513200058 | 212 320 0158 | 212-320-0158 | 212.320.0158 | 212 320 0358 | 212-320-0358 | 212.320.0358 | 212 320 0658 | 212-320-0658 | 212.320.0658 | 251 320 0058 | 251-320-0058 | 251.320.0058 | A212 320 0158 | A212-320-0158 | A212.320.0158 | A212 320 0358 | A212-320-0358 | A212.320.0358 | A212 320 0658 | A212-320-0658 | A212.320.0658 | A251 320 0058 | A251-320-0058 | A251.320.0058
RMT's M212-A225-AD4U, a state-of-the-art OE design Mercedes Benz R-Class (W251) 2006-2013 w/ 4 Corner Air Suspension valve block. Engineered to meet or exceed OEM standards, each valve block undergoes rigorous electrical and pneumatic testing to ensure top performance and reliability.
This innovative valve block features brand-new fittings, making it an ideal replacement for the original OEM distribution block. By choosing RMT, you're selecting a part crafted from high-quality materials designed to deliver superior durability and functionality.
The primary function of this valve block is to efficiently distribute air generated by the suspension compressor to each corner of the vehicle with air suspension. Controlled by the car's computer, it ensures optimal performance and a smooth ride.
- Placement: Front and Rear
- Quantity: 1
- Inside The Box: 1 Air Suspension Solenoid Valve Block, General Installation Pointers (not an installation manual), Pre-Installed Brass Fitting(s), Pre-Installed Pressure Sensor
- Condition: New
- Warranty: Limited Lifetime Warranty